333- وأخبرني جماعة، عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين رضي الله عنه قال:حدثني محمد بن علي بن الاسود القمي أن أبا جعفر العمري قدس سره حفر لنفسه قبرا وسواه بالساج، فسألته عن ذلك فقال: للناس أسباب. و سألته عن ذلك، فقال:قد أمرت أن أجمع أمري. فمات بعد ذلك بشهرين رضي الله عنه وأرضاه.

H 333 - Another group of scholars from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Husain (a.s) narrated to me on the authority of Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Aswad Qummi that Abu Ja’far Amari dug a tomb for himself and leveled it with a tablet. I inquired about it. He mentioned some reasons to the people. Then I asked him about it. He said: “I have been ordered to gather my affairs.” He died two months after that. May Allah be pleased with him and may He please him.