327- قال أبوالعباس: وأخبرني هبة الله بن محمد ابن بنت أم كلثوم بنت أبي جعفر العمري رضي الله عنه عن شيوخه قالوا: لم تزل الشيعة مقيمة على عدالة عثمان بن سعيد (ومحمد بن عثمان رحمها الله تعالى إلى أن توفي أبوعمرو عثمان ابن سعيد) رحمه الله تعالى وغسله ابنه أبوجعفر محمد بن عثمان، وتولى القيام به، وجعل الامر كله مردودا إليه، والشيعة مجتمعة على عدالته وثقته وأمانته لما تقدم له من النص عليه بالامانة والعدالة، والامر بالرجوع إليه في حياة الحسن عليه السلام وبعد موته في حياة أبيه عثمان بن سعيد، لا يختلف في عدالته، ولا يرتاب بأمانته، والتوقيعات تخرج على يده إلى الشيعة في المهمات طول حياته بالخط الذي كانت تخرج في حياة أبيه عثمان، لا يعرف الشيعة في هذا الامر غيره ولا يرجع إلى أحد سواه.

H 327 - It is narrated from Abul Abbas that: Hibatullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn binte Umme Kulthum binte Abi Ja’far Amari narrated to me from his teachers, who said: “The Shia always believed in the uprightness of Uthman Ibn Saeed. His son Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Uthman performed his funeral bath and took the charge and assumed leadership. The Shia were all unanimous on his uprightness, trustworthiness and honesty, due to the explicit narrations pronouncing his honesty and uprightness and commanding the people to refer to him during the lifetime of Hasan (a.s) and after his death during the lifetime of his father, Uthman Ibn Saeed. The Shia did not dispute his uprightness nor did they doubt his honesty. The letters came out through him to the Shia in their important matters during his life. They were in the same handwriting as they were during the lifetime of his father, Uthman. The Shia did not know anyone else, but him in this position. Nor did they turn to anyone else, but him. Many signs and miracles of the Imam, which appeared through him, have been narrated.