314- لما رواه أبونصر هبة الله بن محمد بن أحمد الكاتب ابن بنت أبي جعفر العمري رحمه الله، قال أبو نصر: كان أسديا فنسب إلى جده فقيل العمري، وقد قال قوم من الشيعة:إن أبا محمد الحسن بن علي عليه السلام (قال: لا يجمع على امرئ بين عثمان وأبو عمرو) وأمر بكسر كنيته، فقيل العمري، ويقال له: العسكري أيضا، لأنه كان من عسكر سر من رأى، ويقال له: السمان، لانه كان يتجر في السمن تغطية على الامر.

H 314 - Abu Nasr Hibtullah bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Katib Ibn binte Abu Ja’far Amari has narrated that: Abu Amr was from the Asadi tribe, but was called after his grandfather, Ja’far bin Amari. A group of our scholars have said that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) said: In one person two names, Uthman and Abu Ja’far cannot come together and Imam (a.s) ordered his agnomen to be discarded; on the basis of this he began to be called as Amari and some have called him Askari as well, due to the fact that people from Askar province were also present in Samarrah. Some called him as Samman (oil dealer) as he traded in that commodity and through this concealed his deputyship.”