325- وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن همام، قال: حدثني محمد بن حمويه بن عبدالعزيز الرازي في سنة ثمانين ومائتين قال: حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن مهزيار الاهوازي أنه خرج إليه بعد وفـاة أبي عمرو: والابن- وقاه الله- لم يزل ثقتنا في حياة الأب رضي الله عنه وأرضاه ونضر وجهه، يجري عندنا مجراه، ويسد مسده، وعن أمرنا يأمر الابن وبه يعمل، تولاه الله، فانته إلى قوله وعرف معاملتنا ذلك.
H 325 - On the authority of the same chain of narration from Muhammad Ibn Himam, who says: Muhammad Ibn Hamawayh Ibn Abdul Aziz Razi recounted to me in the year two hundred and eighty that Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mahziyar Ahwazi recounted that a letter came to him after the demise of Abu Amr stating, “And his son, may Allah protect him, has always been our man of trust during the lifetime of his father. He is to us like his father and in his place. He orders to our command and according to our command he acts. May Allah cherish him. Pay heed to his word and let this assertion of ours be known.”
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