323- وأخبرنا جماعة، عن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه، عن أحمد بن هارون الفامي قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن أبيه عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري قال: خرج التوقيع إلى الشيخ أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان بن سعيد العمري قدس الله روحه في التعزية بأبيه رضي الله تعالى عنه. وفي فصل من الكتاب: إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون تسليما لامره ورضي بقضائه، عاش أبوك سعيدا ومات حميدا فرحمه الله وألحقه بأوليائه ومواليه عليهم السلام، فلم يزل مجتهدا في أمرهم، ساعيا فيما يقربه إلى الله عز وجل وإليهم، نضر الله وجهه، وأقاله عثرته. وفي فصل آخر: أجزل الله لك الثواب وأحسن لك العزاء، رزئت ورزئنا وأوحشك فراقه وأوحشنا، فسره الله في منقلبه، (و) كان من كمال سعادته أن رزقه الله تعالى ولدا مثلك يخلفه من بعده، ويقوم مقامه بأمره، ويترحم عليه، وأقول الحمد لله، فإن الانفس طيبة بمكانك، وما جعله الله عز وجل فيك وعندك، أعانك الله وقواك وعضدك ووفقك، وكان لك وليا وحافظا وراعيا وكافيا.

H 323 - A group of our scholars narrated to us from Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Musa Ibn Babawayh from Ahmad Ibn Harun Fami, saying, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Himyari narrated to us from his father Abdullah Ibn Ja’far, saying, A holy letter came out to Shaykh Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Uthman Ibn Saeed Amari, may Allah sanctify his soul, consoling him for his father (a.s). One section of the letter reads: “We belong to Allah and to Him do we return, we submit to His command and are pleased with His destiny. Your father lived fortuitously and died praiseworthy. May Allah have mercy on him and take him to the company of his Imams and his masters (a.s). He was always dedicated to their cause and diligent in what would take him near Allah, the Exalted, and the Imams. May Allah beautify his visage and forgive him his shortcomings.” Another segment of the letter reads: “May Allah increase upon you the reward and may He adorn for you the grief. This tragedy has struck you and us. His separation has left you in fright and us too. May Allah please him in his eternal abode. Of the best of his fortuitousness was that Allah gave him a son like you, to stay behind him and take his place and perform his tasks and seek mercy for him. I say, all praise belongs to Allah, for hearts are pure and pleased at your position and at what Allah has bestowed you. May Allah help you, strengthen you, empower you and grant you success. May He be your Guardian, Protector and Guide, and Allah is sufficient for you.”