313- روى محمد بن يعقوب قال:خرج إلى العمري في توقيع طويل إختصرناه: ونحن نبرأ إلى الله تعالى من ابن هلال لا رحمه الله، وممن لا يبرأ منه، فأعلم الاسحاقي وأهل بلده مما أعلمناك من حال هذا الفاجر، وجميع ما كان سألك ويسألك عنه.
H 313 - Muhammad bin Yaqub Kulaini said: An epistle was issued from Imam Mahdi to Amari, which is quite lengthy and we have shortened it. It is mentioned in that epistle as follows: “We are aloof from Ibn Hilal, to whom Almighty Allah may never have mercy on and we are aloof from all those who don’t express their disdain about him. Thus inform Ishaqi and his townspeople and all those from you who have asked about him or who ask about the following matter, which I am informing you of.”
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