ومنهم علي بن أبي حمزة البطائني وزياد بن مروان القندي وعثمان بن عيسى الرواسي، كلهم كانوا وكلاء لابي الحسن موسى عليه السلام، وكان عندهم أموال جزيلة، فلما مضى أبوالحسن موسى عليه السلام وقفوا طمعا في الاموال، ودفعوا إمامة الرضا عليه السلام وجحدوه. وقد ذكرنا ذلك فيما مضى فلا نطول بإعادته.
Among them Ali bin Abi Hamza Bataini, Ziyad bin Marwan Qandi and Uthman Rawasi These three were representatives of Abul Hasan Musa bin Ja’far and were having a large amount of the Imam’s funds in their possession. When Imam Kadhim
passed away, they, in greed of the Imam’s funds did not accept that he is martyred and did not believe in the Imamate of Imam Ridha
as we mentioned previously and its repetition again would prolong the book unduly.
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