292- وقد روي (عن) علي بن يقطين قال :قال لي أبوالحسن عليه السلام: يا علي (إن) الشيعة تربى بالأماني منذ مائتي سنة. وقال يقطين لابنه علي: ما بالنا قيل لنا فكان وقيل لكم فلم يكن؟ فقال له علي:إن الذي قيل لكم ولنا من مخرج واحد غير أن أمركم حضركم فأعطيتم محضه، وكان كما قيل لكم، وإن أمرنا لم يحضر فعللنا بالأماني. ولو قيل (لنا) إن هذا الامر لا يكون إلى مائتي سنة أو ثلاثمائة سنة لقست القلوب ولرجعت عامة الناس عن الإسلام، ولكن قالوا:ما أسرعه وما أقربه! تألفاً لقلوب الناس وتقريبا للفرج.
H 292 - It is narrated from Ali Ibn Yaqtin that he said: Imam Musa Kadhim said to me: “O Ali, the Shia have been brought up with hopes since two hundred years.” Yaqtin said to his son, Ali: “What is the matter?! What had been said (by the infallible Imams) to us occurred, but what had been said to you did not – he meant the fate of the Abbasids.” Ali said: “What had been said to you and what had been said to us were from the same source, but the time of your matter came and it occurred as it was told to you whereas the time of our matter has not come yet; so we justified that by hopes and wishes. If it was said to us that this matter would occur after two hundred or three hundred years, our hearts would have become hard and most people would have apostatized, but they said to us that it is near in order to attract the hearts of people and to make them feel that deliverance was near.”
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