275- وروي أن في صاحب الامر عليه السلام سنة من موسى عليه السلام،قلت: وما هي؟ قال: دام خوفه وغيبته مع الولاة إلى أن أذن الله تعالى بنصره. ولمثل ذلك اختفى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في الشعب تارة، وأخرى في الغار، وقعد أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام عن المطالبة بحقه.

H 275 - It is narrated that there is similarity between Imam Mahdi (a.s) and Prophet Musa (a.s). I asked: What is it? He replied: Continuous fear and hiding from the enemies and rulers till Almighty Allah accords him permission to stage an uprising; and that He helps and supports him. For the same reason the Messenger of Allah (s) took refuge in Shebe Abi Talib and Cave of Thawr; also the seclusion of Amirul Momineen (a.s) at his house while demanding his rightful share was also as such.