قلنا: عن ذلك جوابان: أحدهما أن الله تعالى أعلمه على لسان نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله، وأوقفه عليه من جهة آبائه عليهم السلام زمان غيبته المخوفة، وزمان زوال الخوف عنه، فهو يتبع في ذلك ما شرع له وأوقف عليه، وإنما أخفي ذلك عنا لما فيه من المصلحة، فأما هو فهو عالم به لا يرجع (فيه) إلى الظن. والثاني أنه لا يمتنع أن يغلب على ظنه بقوة الإمارات بحسب العادة قوة سلطانه، فيظهر عند ذلك ويكون قد أعلم أنه متى غلب في ظنه كذلك وجب عليه، ويكون الظن شرطا والعمل عنده معلوما، كما نقوله في تنفيذ الحكم عند شهادة الشهود، والعمل على جهات القبلة بحسب الامارات والظنون، وإن كان وجوب التنفيذ للحكم والتوجه إلى القبلة معلومين، وهذا واضح بحمد الله. وقد ورد بهذه الجملة التي ذكرناها أيضا أخبار تعضد ما قلناه، نذكر طرفا منها ليستأنس به إن شاء الله تعالى.
We would reply: We have two replies for this objection: Firstly, Allah, the Mighty and the High through the means of knowledge and explanation of the Messenger of Allah (s) and the respected fathers of Imam have informed us that the period of occultation is a period of fear and the time when this fear will be dispelled is the time of reappearance and He has informed about this to the Imam. The Imam
also with regard to that which he was informed and that which was ordered to him is following his respected forefathers and the Messenger of Allah (s), but due to exigencies this matter was concealed from us, but the Imam himself, since he is cognizant of these matters, he does not need to refer to Amara and the signs. Secondly, if we suppose that Imam
acts according to his conjecture at the time of reappearance, it is possible that it is very much possible that the conjecture of Imam
is helped through Amara and signs that he has received the necessary power for rulership. So at that time he would reappear and the Imam
is also aware of it that when he gains strong conjecture, it would be the time of his reappearance. On the basis of this, strong conjecture is a condition of reappearance and it makes reappearance necessary. Thus, in jurisprudence we say that the order of the judge is issued on the testimony of a witness, or that on the basis of Amara and conjecture it is commanded to pray in all four directions. And this matter is absolutely clear, praise be to Allah. On the basis of this principle, traditional reports are mentioned, which help in our claim and we mention a few of them over here so that we may develop more interest in this topic, if Allah, the Almighty wills.
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