(و)قد ذكرنا طرفا من الأخبار الدالة على إمامة ابن الحسن عليه السلام وثبوت غيبته ووجود عينه ، لأنهـا أخبـار تضمنت الاخبـار بالغايبـات وبالشئ قبل كونـه على وجـه خارق للعادة، لا يعلم ذلك إلا من أعلمه الله على لسان نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، ووصل إليه من جهة من دل الدليل على صدقه، ولولا صدقهم لما كان كذلك، لان المعجزات لا تظهر على يد الكذابين، وإذا ثبت صدقهم دل على وجود من أسندوا ذلك إليه، ولم نستوف ما ورد في هذا المعنى لئلا يطول به الكتاب وهو موجود في الكتب.
So far we have mentioned some reports and traditions, which prove the Imamate of the son of Imam Hasan Askari , his holy existence and occultation. These reports mention unseen matters and prophesize future events in an extraordinary manner, such that no one had any knowledge about them, except that Allah, the Mighty and the High may have bestowed him through the knowledge of His Prophet and these reports reached him through one whose veracity was testified beyond any doubt. Like for example, Husain bin Rauh. If his veracity had not been there, he would not have been as such [that he would not have had knowledge of unseen], because these miracles are never possible through liars. The conclusion is that when the veracity of the deputies of Imam
is proved, it also proves the existence of one through whom they are getting these blessings. However, we have not quoted everything recorded in this regard lest the book becomes lengthy, though it is mentioned in other books.
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