247- وأخبرني جماعة، عن جعفر بن محمد بن قولويه وأبي غالب الزراري (وغيرهما) عن محمد بن يعقوب الكليني، عن إسحاق بن يعقوب قال:سألت محمد بن عثمان العمري رحمه الله أن يوصل لي كتابا قد سئلت فيه عن مسائل أشكلت علي، فورد التوقيع بخط مولينا صاحب الدار عليه السلام: أما ما سألت عنه أرشد الله وثبتك من أمر المنكرين لي من أهل بيتنا وبني عمنا، فاعلم أنه ليس بين الله عز وجل وبين أحد قرابة، ومن أنكرني فليس مني، وسبيله سبيل ابن نوح عليه السلام. وأما سبيل عمي جعفر وولده، فسبيل إخوة يوسف على نبينا وآله وعليه السلام. وأما الفقاع فشربه حرام ولا بأس بالشلماب. وأما أموالكم فما نقبلها إلا لتطهروا فمن شاء فليصل، ومن شاء فليقطع، فما آتانا الله خير مما آتاكم. وأما ظهور الفرج فإنه إلى الله عز وجل، كذب الوقاتون. وأما قول من زعم أن الحسين عليه السلام لم يقتل، فكفر وتكذيب وضلال. وأما الحوادث الواقعة فارجعوا فيها إلى رواة حديثنا، فإنهم حجتي عليكم وأنا حجة الله (عليكم). وأما محمد بن عثمان العمري رضي الله عنه وعن أبيه من قبل، فإنه ثقتي وكتابه كتابي. وأما محمد بن علي بن مهزيار الاهوازي فسيصلح الله قلبه، ويزيل عنه شكه. وأما ما وصلتنا به فلا قبول عندنا إلا لما طاب وطهر، وثمن المغنية حرام. وأما محمد بن شاذان بن نعيم فإنه رجل من شعيتنا أهل البيت. وأما أبوالخطاب محمد بن(أبي) زينب الاجدع (فإنه) ملعون وأصحابه ملعونون، فلا تجالس أهل مقالتهم وإني منهم برئ وآبائي عليهم السلام منهم براء. وأما المتلبسون بأموالنا فمن استحل منها شيئا فأكله فإنما يأكل النيران. وأما الخمس فقد أبيح لشيعتنا وجعلوا منه في حل إلى وقت ظهور أمرنا لتطيب ولادتهم ولا تخبث. وأما ندامة قوم قد شكوا في دين الله على ما وصلونا به فقد أقلنا من استقال ولا حاجة لنا في صلة الشاكين. وأما علة ما وقع من الغيبة فإن الله عز وجل يقول:﴿يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لاَ تَسْأَلُوا عَنْ أَشْيَاءَ إِنْ تُبْدَ لَكُمْ تَسُؤْكُمْ﴾. إنه لم يكن أحد من آبائي إلا وقد وقعت في عنقه بيعة لطاغية زمانه، وإني أخرج حين أخرج ولا بيعة لاحد من الطواغيت في عنقي. وأما وجه الانتفاع في غيبتي فكالانتفاع بالشمس إذا غيبتها عن الابصار السحاب، وإني لامان أهل الارض كما أن النجوم أمان لاهل السماء، فاغلقوا (أبواب) السؤال عما لا يعنيكم، ولا تتكلفوا على ما قد كفيتم، وأكثروا الدعاء بتعجيل الفرج فإن ذلك فرجكم. والسلام عليك يا إسحاق بن يعقوب وعلى من اتبع الهدى.

H 247 - Informed me a group of scholars from Ja’far bin Muhammad Quluwayh and Abi Ghalib Zurari etc. from Muhammad bin Yaqub Kulaini from Ishaq bin Yaqub that he said: “I asked Muhammad bin Uthman Amari to write to the Imam a letter containing questions that were difficult for me. The Imam sent the following reply: “May the Almighty Allah keep you on guidance. You asked about those of our family and cousins. You should know that no one is related to the Almighty Allah. Anyone who denies us is not from us and his end will be same as the son of Prophet Nuh (a.s). As for the matter of my Uncle, Ja’far and his sons; it is same as the matter of the brothers of Yusuf (a.s). Barley wine is unlawful (Haraam). There is no problem in turnip extract. We only accept the monies sent by you so that you may be purified. Now whoever likes, should send it, whoever likes may not. The provision that the Almighty Allah has bestowed is better than whatever you send us. As for the reappearance and advent, it solely depends on the will of Allah and those who fix a time for it are liars. As for the saying of those who think that Imam Husain (a.s) has not been slain is a kind of disbelief, denial, deviation and misguidance. But as for the problems, which will occur in the future, you should refer to the narrators of our traditions for their verdicts as they are my proofs on you, and I am Allah’s proof on them.” As for Muhammad bin Uthman Amri, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, he is trustworthy and reliable one of mine and his writing is my writing. As for Muhammad bin Ali bin Mahziyar Ahwazi, then very soon, Allah would reform his heart and remove his doubt. As for the money that you sent for me, it is not acceptable to me, except that which is pure. And the compensation for a singing girl is unlawful. As for Muhammad bin Shazan bin Naeem; he is a Shia of Ahle Bayt (a.s). As for Abul Khattab Muhammad bin Ali Zainab Ajdaa; he and all his associates are accursed and you don’t cultivate the company of those who harbor their belief; and my forefathers and I are aloof from them. As for those who are in possession of our funds, in such a way that they consider them lawful for themselves and spend them; they have in fact devoured (Hell) Fire. As for Khums, it is lawful for our Shia till the time of reappearance, so far as their children are pure and not involved in sinful activities. As for the funds that are sent to us and after which they fell into doubts and became regretful of having paid to us, then anyone who wants, we would return to him and we are not needful of the money of those who harbor doubt with regard to Allah. As for the cause of occultation, the Almighty Allah has said: “O you who believe! Do not put questions about things, which if declared to you may trouble you…” (5:101) Each of my forefathers in his time was compelled by the oath of allegiance to the tyrant ruler and when I reappear, I would not be having the allegiance of any tyrant on my neck. As for how people would benefit from me during my occultation, it is like getting benefits from the sun concealed by clouds. I am the security for folks of the earth just as stars are security for inhabitants of the heavens. Therefore, do not ask what you are not in need of and do not put yourself into undue trouble. And pray more for an early reappearance; as in it lies your success. Peace be on you, O Ishaq Ibn Yaqub and peace be on all those who follow the guidance…”