قال ابن نوح: وكان عندي أنه كتب على يد أبي جعفر بن أبي العزاقر- قبل تغيره وخروج لعنه على ما حكاه ابن عياش إلى أن حدثني بعض من (سمع ذلك معي) أنه إنما عنى أبا جعفر الزجوزجي رضي الله عنه وأن الكتاب إنما كان من الكوفة، وذلك أن أبا غالب قال لنا: كنا نلقي أبا القاسم الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه قبل أن يقضي الامر إليه صرنا نلقي أبا جعفر بن الشلمغاني ولا نلقاه.وحدثنا بهاتين الحكايتين مذاكرة لم أقيدهما. [بالكتابة] وقيدهما غيري، إلا أنه كان يكثر ذكرهما والحديث بهما حتى سمعتهما منه ما لا أحصي، والحمد لله شكرا دائما وصلى الله على محمد وآله وسلم.

Ibn Nuh said: I thought that Ibn Ghalib, on the basis of that which Ibn Ayyash has narrated, wrote a letter through Abu Ja’far bin Abi Azaqir, before he became deviated, and was cursed by the Imam, but a friend who was with me heard this and said that Abu Ja’far implies Abu Ja’far Zajuzaji – may Allah be pleased with him – and not Ibn Abi Azaqir and the letter was also sent to Kufa. As Abu Ghalib himself told us: We met Abul Qasim Husain bin Rauh before he was appointed as the deputy of the Imam and went with him to meet Abu Ja’far Shalmaghani, but we were unable to find him. Ibn Nuh said: These two stories were not put into writing by us in order to remember and retell them, but another person wrote them down, although Abu Ghalib has narrated these incidents often in such a way that I heard from him a number of times. All praise and glorification is for Almighty Allah and benedictions be on Muhammad and his Purified Progeny.