254- وأخبرني جماعة، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عياش، قال:حدثني ابن مروان الكوفي، قال: حدثني ابن أبي سورة قال:كنت بالحائر زائرا عشية عرفة فخرجت متوجها على طريق البر، فلما انتهيت (إلى) المسناة جلست إليها مستريحا، ثم قمت أمشي وإذا رجل على ظهر الطريق فقال لي: هل لك في الرفقة؟ فقلت: نعم فمشينا معا يحدثني وأحدثه وسألني عن حالي، فأعلمته أني مضيق لا شيء معي ولا في يدي، فالتفت إلي فقال لي: إذا دخلت الكوفة فائت (دار) أبا طاهر الزراري فاقرع عليه بابه، فإنه سيخرج إليك وفي يده دم الاضحية، فقل له: يقال لك إعط هذا الرجل الصرة الدنانير التي عند رجل السرير، فتعجبت من هذا، ثم فارقني ومضى لوجهه لا أدري أين سلك. ودخلت الكوفة فقصدت (دار) أبا طاهر محمد بن سليمان الزراري، فقرعت (عليه) بابه كما قال لي وخرج إلي وفي يده دم الاضحية فقلت له: يقال لك إعط هذا الرجل الصرة الدنانير التي عند رجل السرير، فقال: سمعا وطاعة ودخل فأخرج إلي الصرة فسلمها إلي فأخذتها وانصرفت.
254 - A group of scholars informed me from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ayyash that he said: Narrated to me Ibn Marwan Kufi that: Narrated to me Ibn Abi Sura that: “I was in Kerbala on the eve of Arafa. I left following the land route. As I reached Masnath, I sat over a hill to rest and then got up and started walking. A man came from behind the road and asked, “Would you like to have company?” I said: “Definitely.” We walked together and made conversation. He asked me about my situation; I told him that I was in hardships and did not possess anything. He said: “When you reach Kufa, go to Abu Tahir Razi and knock at his door. He will come out with blood of slaughter on his hands. Tell him, ‘You are asked to give me the bag of dinars that is with the man of the bedstead.’” I much wondered at his words. Then he separated from me and went his way. I don’t know where he went. I reached Kufa and went to Abu Tahir Muhammad Ibn Sulaiman Razi. I knocked on his door, as he had asked me to. Abu Tahir emerged and on his hands was blood of slaughter. I said, “You are asked to give me the bag of dinars, which are with the man of the bedstead.” He said: “Of course, you are heard and obeyed.” He went back and brought out the bag and gave it to me. I took it and went away.”
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