فإن قيل: يوجده الله تعالى إذا علم أنا ننطوي على تمكينه بزمان واحد كما أنه يظهره عند مثل ذلك. قلنــا: وجوب تمكينه والانطواء على طاعته لازم في جميع أحوالنا، فيجب أن يكون التمكين من طاعته والمصير إلى أمره ممكنا في جميع الاحوال وإلا لم يحسن التكليف، وإنما كان يتم ذلك لو لم نكن مكلفين في كل حال لوجوب طاعته والانقياد لأمره، بل كان يجب علينا عند ظهوره والأمر عندنا بخلافه.
Objection: When Allah comes to know that we are prepared to obey him, He would create him. Like according to your belief He will manifest him during his reappearance? Reply: The imperativeness of supporting him and determination to obey him is required in all conditions, which requires that to support and obey him and to follow his path should be possible in all conditions, or else, imposing this duty would be wrong. The suggestion would be relevant if we were not obliged in all conditions to his obedience and submission to his command and rather it were required of us at the time of his appearance. However, the reality is contrary to this.
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