وأما من قال: يفعل الله ما يقوم مقامه باطل، لأنه لو كان كذلك لما وجب عليه إقامة الإمام مطلقا على كل حال، ولكان يكون ذلك من باب التخيير، كما نقول في فروض الكفايات.وفي علمنا بتعيين ذلك ووجوبه على كل حال دليل على فساد ما قالوه. على أنه يلزم على الوجهين جميعا المعرفة. بأن يقال: الكافر إذا لم يحصل له المعرفة يفعل الله له ما يقوم مقامها، فلا يجب عليه المعرفة على كل حال.
As for the theory that Allah will do something to take the place of the Imam; it is a void idea, since if it were as such, it would not be required to appoint an Imam in all conditions, even when it were possible, and it would be only a matter of choice, like the Kifayee obligations. The fact that we know that the appointment of the Imam is necessary in all conditions indicates the falsity of their assertion. Besides, either way the logic of this reasoning encourages that when the infidel does not attain belief in Allah, He will do him a grace that takes the place of belief in Him, which leads to the conclusion that belief in Allah is not always necessary. Or a parallel argument would follow that; because restraint from oppression is attained when one has faith is a worldly expediency, belief in Allah should not be necessary for it.
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