وجوابنا في الامامة كجوابهم في المعرفة من أن الكافر لطفه قائم بالمعرفة وإنما فوت نفسه بالتفريط في النظر المؤدي إليها فلم يقبح تكليفه، فكذلك نقول:الرئاسة لطف للمكلف في حال الغيبة، وما يتعلق بالله من إيجاده حاصل، وإنما ارتفع تصرفه وانبساط يده لامر يرجع إلى المكلفين فاستوى الامران، والكلام في هذه المعنى مستوفى أيضا بحيث ذكرناه.

Our response to the query of Imamate is same as their response in the query of faith; belief in God is grace as ever with regard to the infidel, but he has failed to gain it, because of his failure to think, which would have led him to this belief, and therefore, imposing religious duties on him is not wrong. Similarly, we say that Imamate is grace for the duty-bound during occultation; and God has provided all that He must provide in order for this Imamate to materialize. However, his administration of the society is not materialized, because of the duty-bound themselves. Therefore, the responses to both queries are the same, but in this instance we have explained in sufficient detail.