فإذا علم بقاء تكليفه عليه واستتار الإمام عنه علم أنه لأمر يرجع إليه كما تقوله جماعتنا فيمن لم ينظر في طريق معرفة الله تعالى فلم يحصل له العلم وجب أن يقطع على أنه إنما لم يحصل لتقصير يرجع إليه وإلا وجب إسقاط تكليفه وإن لم يعلم ما الذي وقع تقصيره فيه.

When he knows that he is obliged with religious duties and that his Imam is in occultation from him, he discerns that it is because of himself. This is similar to the view of our scholars that someone who has not contemplated the means of cognition of Allah, the Exalted, and thus, has not reached certitude about Him, he must be certain that this is due to a shortcoming of himself or else religious duties must not be required from him.