وهذا كما نقول إن من علم نبوة موسى عليه السلام بالمعجزات الدالة على نبوته إذا لم ينعم النظر في المعجزات الظاهرة على عيسى ونبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لا يجب أن يقطع على أنه ما عرف تلك المعجزات لأنه لا يمتنع أن يكون عارفا بها وبوجه دلالتها وإن لم يعلم هذه المعجزات واشتبه عليه وجه دلالتها.

This is as we say. If someone who believes in the prophethood of Musa (a.s) due to his miracles, which prove his Divine mission, does not properly view the miracles shown by Isa (a.s) and our Messenger (s), it is not necessary to believe that he did not view these miracles, because it is possible that he may be aware of them and how they indicate their purpose, though he may not know that these are miracles and their indication of their purpose has been unclear to him.