قلنا: الحق على ضربين؛ عقلي وسمعي. فالعقلي يصاب بأدلته والسمعي عليه أدلة منصوبة من أقوال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ونصوصه وأقوال الأئمة عليهم السلام من ولده، وقد بينوا ذلك وأوضحوه ولم يتركوا منه شيئا لا دليل عليه.
We will say: True propositions are of two types: One is supported by rational arguments and the other is based on narrated proofs. Propositions based on intellectual premises are established and discerned through their proofs, and propositions based on narrations are substantiated through their proofs, which comprise the sayings of the Prophet (s) and the Imams, who have explained the subjects and elaborated them and left nothing unexplained.
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