وأما ما قاله أبو هاشم من أن ذلك لمصالح الدنيا، فبعيد لأن ذلك عبادة واجبة ولو كان لمصلحة دنياوية لما وجبت. على أن إقامة الحدود عنده على وجه الجزاء، والنكال جزء من العقاب، وإنما قدم في دار الدنيا بعضه لما فيه من المصلحة، فكيف يقول مع ذلك أنه لمصالح دنياوية؟ فبطل ما قالوه.

As for Abu Hashim’s view that penal codes are for worldly benefits, it is unacceptable; because penal codes are obligatory acts of worship, and if they were for sheer worldly benefits, they would not be obligatory. Besides, he believes that enforcing the penalties falls in the category of requitals, and legal penalties are part of Divine punishment, some of which have been brought in this life for certain expediencies. How can he still say that they are for worldly expediencies? Therefore, this argument is invalid.