19ـ الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ مُعَلَّى بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنِ الْوَشَّاءِ عَنْ أَبَانٍ عَنْ مَيْمُونٍ الْقَدَّاحِ قَالَ قَالَ لِي أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ (عَلَيهِ السَّلام) اقْرَأْ قُلْتُ مِنْ أَيِّ شَيْ‏ءٍ أَقْرَأُ قَالَ مِنَ السُّورَةِ التَّاسِعَةِ قَالَ فَجَعَلْتُ أَلْتَمِسُهَا فَقَالَ اقْرَأْ مِنْ سُورَةِ يُونُسَ قَالَ فَقَرَأْتُ لِلَّذِينَ أَحْسَنُوا الْحُسْنى‏ وَزِيادَةٌ وَلا يَرْهَقُ وُجُوهَهُمْ قَتَرٌ وَلا ذِلَّةٌ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ الله (صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وآلِه) إِنِّي لأعْجَبُ كَيْفَ لا أَشِيبُ إِذَا قَرَأْتُ الْقُرْآنَ.

19. Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mu’alla ibn Muhammad from al- Washsha’ from Aban from Maymun al-Qaddah who has said the following: “Once abu Ja’far (a.s) said to me, ‘Read.’ I then asked, ‘What should I read?’ The Imam said, ‘Read from Chapter 9.’ I (the narrator) tried to find it but he said, ‘Read from Yunus (which is Chapter 10).’ I (the narrator) then read: ‘The righteous will receive good rewards for their deeds and more. Their faces will suffer no disgrace or ignominy. . . .’ (10:26) The Imam said, ‘The Messenger of Allah has said, “It is astonishing to me, why should I not grow old much quicker when I read the Holy Quran.’”