12 - وبهذا الإسناد، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن، عن سعدان يرفعه إلى أبي - عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إن الله عز وجل لم ينعم على عبد بنعمة إلا وقد ألزمه فيها الحجة من الله عز وجل، فمن من الله عليه فجعله قويا فحجته عليه القيام بما كلفه واحتمال من هو دونه ممن هو أضعف منه، ومن من الله عليه فجعله موسعا عليه فحجته ماله، يجب عليه فيه تعاهد الفقراء بنوافله، ومن من الله عليه فجعله شريفا في نسبه جميلا في صورته، فحجته عليه أن يحمد الله على ذلك وألا يتطاول على غيره فيمنع حقوق الضعفاء لحال شرفه وجماله.

12. And with the same chain of transmission, on the authority of Yunus ibn `Abd al-Rahman, on the authority of Sa`dan, who eliminated the source of report to Abu `Abd Allah (a.s), that Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq said: Verily, Allah, the Mighty and High, has not given a bounty to a servant except that He has placed in it for him evidence from Allah, the Mighty and High. Therefore, whoever Allah favors, making him powerful, His Evidence over him is that he establish his obligations and tolerate those who are weaker than him. Whoever Allah favors with wealth, His Evidence over him is his wealth. It is an obligation upon him to take care of the poor with superogatory charity. Whoever Allah favors by making noble in lineage and handsome, His Evidence over him is that he praise Allah for his blessings. He should not neglect the need, or deprive the weak of their rights due to his lineage and good looks.