8 - أبي رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن عبد الله بن المغيرة، عن ابن مسكان، عن زرارة قال: قلت لأبي جعفر عليه السلام: أصلحك الله، قول الله عز وجل في كتابه: (فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها)؟ قال: فطرهم على التوحيد عند الميثاق على معرفته أنه ربهم، قلت: وخاطبوه؟ قال: فطأطأ رأسه، ثم قال: لولا ذلك لم يعلموا من ربهم ولا من رازقهم (٢).

8. My father (r.a) said: Sa`d ibn `Abd Allah said, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad, on the authority of his father, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn al-Mughirah, on the authority of Ibn Muskan, on the authority of Zurarah that I said to Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (a.s): May Allah be in peace with you! Explain to me the Word of Allah, the Mighty and High, in His Book: “The nature made by Allah is which He has made men.” He (a.s) responded, “He created them with a natural predisposition towards Divine Unity at the time of the Covenant when they recognized that He was their Lord.” I asked, “Did they reply to Him?” Zurarah says, he (a.s) then put his head down, and after a while he (a.s) said: “Had it not been so, then they would have not known their Lord or the One who sustains them.”