5 - أبي رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن ابن فضال، عن أبي جميلة، عن محمد الحلبي، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قول الله عز وجل (فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها) قال: فطرهم على التوحيد.

5. My father (r.a) said: `Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim said, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Ibn Fuddal, on the authority of Abu Jamilah, on the authority of Muhammad alHalabi that Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (a.s) was asked to interpret the Word of Allah, the Mighty and High: The nature made by Allah is which He has made men. He (a.s) uttered, “He created them with (a natural predisposition towards) Divine Unity.”