3 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس بن معروف، عن صفوان بن يحيى، عمن حدثه، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام أنه سئل عن بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم فقال: الباء بهاء الله، و السين سناء الله، والميم ملك الله، قال: قلت: الله؟ قال: الألف آلاء الله على خلقه من النعيم بولايتنا، واللام إلزام الله خلقه ولايتنا، قلت: فالهاء؟ قال: هوان لمن خالف محمدا وآل محمد صلوات الله عليهم، قال: قلت: الرحمن؟ قال: بجميع العالم، قلت: الرحيم؟ قال: بالمؤمنين خاصة.

3. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Walid (r.a) said: Muhammad ibn al-Hasan alSaffar said, on the authority of al-`Abbas ibn Ma`ruf, on the authority of Safwan ibn Yahya, on the authority of the person who told him that Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (a.s) was asked about the meaning of Bismillah al-Rahman alRahim. Thus, he (a.s) answered: The ba * is the brilliance [baha] of Allah. The sin * is the splendor [sana] of Allah. And the min * is the Kingdom [mulk] of Allah.” I asked, “What about Allah?” He (a.s) replied, “The A * is the blessins [ala] of Allah over His Creatures from the bounty of our Guardianship [wilayah]. The l * is the obligation of our Guardianship which Allah demand of His Creation. I further asked, “And the h *?” He (a.s) answered, “It stands for the abasement of those who oppose Muhammad and his Progeny, blessings of Allah be upon them.” I enquired, “What about al-Rahman?” He (a.s) responded, “Beneficent for the entire universe.” I asked, “And al-Rahim?” He (a.s) replied, “The Most Merciful towards the Believers specifically.”