[17/172] رجال الكشي: حمدويه بن نصير، عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن، عن عبد الله بن زرارة و محمد بن قولويه و الحسين بن الحسن، عن سعد بن عبد الله، عن هارون بن الحسن بن محبوب، عن محمد بن عبد الله بن زرارة و ابنيه الحسن و الحسين، عن عبد الله بن زرارة قال: قال لي أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: اقرأ مني على والدك السلام، و قل له: إني إنما أعيبك دفاعا مني عنك، فإن الناس و العدو يسارعون إلى كل من قربناه و حمدنا مكانه لإدخال الأذى في من نحبه و نقربه، و يرمونه لمحبتنا له و قربه و دنوه منا، و يرون إدخال الأذى عليه و قتله، و يحمدون كل من عبناه نحن وإن لم يحمد امره، فإنما أعيبك لأنك رجل اشتهرت بنا و لميلك إلينا، و أنت في ذلك مذموم عند الناس غير محمود الأثر لمودتك لنا و بميلك إلينا، فأحببت أن أعيبك ليحمدوا أمرك في الدين بعيبك و نقصك، و يكون بذلك منا دافع شرهم عنك، يقول الله جل و عز أَمَّا السَّفِينَةُ فَكَانَتْ لِمَسَاكِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ فِي الْبَحْرِ فَأَرَدْتُ أَنْ أَعِيبَهَا وَكَانَ وَرَاءَهُمْ مَلِكٌ يَأْخُذُ كُلَّ سَفِينَةٍ صَالِحة غَصْبًا، هذا التنزيل من عند الله <صالحة> لا و الله ما عابها إلا لكي تسلم من الملك و لا تعطب على يديه و لقد كانت صالحة ليس للعيب منها مساغ و الحمد لله، فافهم المثل يرحمك الله فإنك و الله أحب الناس إلي و أحب أصحاب أبي عليه السلام حيا و ميتا، فإنك أفضل سفن ذلك البحر القمقام الزاخر، و أن من ورائك ملكا ظلوما غصوبا يرقب عبور كل سفينة صالحة ترد من بحر الهدى ليأخذها غصبا ثم يغصبها و أهلها، و رحمة الله عليك حيا و رحمته و رضوانه عليك ميتا، و لقد أدى إلي ابناك الحسن و الحسين رسالتك، حاطهما الله و كلأهما و رعاهما و حفظهما بصلاح أبيهما كما حفظ الغلامين، فلا يضيقن صدرك من الذي أمرك أبي عليه السلام و امرتك به، و أتاك أبو بصير بخلاف الذي أمرناك به، فلا و الله ما أمرناك و لا أمرناه إلا بأمر وسعنا و وسعكم الأخذ به، و لكل ذلك عندنا تصاريف و معان توافق الحق، و لو أذن لنا لعلمتم أن الحق في الذي أمرناكم به، فردوا إلينا الأمر و سلموا لنا و اصبروا لأحكامنا و ارضوا بها، و الذي فرق بينكم فهو راعيكم الذي استرعاه الله خلقه، و هو أعرف بمصلحة غنمه في فساد أمرها، فإن شاء فرق بينها لتسلم ثم يجمع بينها لتأمن من فسادها و خوف عدوها في ابان ما يأذن الله، و يأتيها بالأمن من مأمنه و الفرج من عنده، عليكم بالتسليم و الرد إلينا و انتظار أمرنا و أمركم و فرجنا و فرجكم، و لو قد قام قائمنا و تكلم متكلمنا ثم استأنف بكم تعليم القرآن و شرائع الدين و الأحكام و الفرائض كما أنزله الله على محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لأنكره أهل البصائر منكم ذلك اليوم إنكارا شديدا، ثم لم تستقيموا على دين الله و طريقه إلا من تحت حد السيف فوق رقابكم، إن الناس بعد نبي الله عليه السلام ركب الله بهم سنة من كان قبلكم فغيروا و بدلوا و حرفوا و زادوا في دين الله و نقصوا منه، فما من شي‏ء عليه الناس اليوم إلا و هو منحرف عما نزل به الوحي من عند الله فأجب رحمك الله من حيث تدعى إلى حيث تدعى، حتى يأتي من يستأنف بكم دين الله استئنافا، و عليك بالصلاة الستة و الأربعين، و عليك بالحج أن تهل بالإفراد و تنوي الفسخ إذا قدمت مكة و طفت و سعيت فسخت ما أهللت به و قلبت الحج عمرة أحللت إلى يوم التروية ثم استأنف الإهلال بالحج مفردا إلى منى و تشهد المنافع بعرفات و المزدلفة، فكذلك حج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم و هكذا أمر أصحابه أن يفعلوا أن يفسخوا ما أهلوا به و يقلبوا الحج عمرة، و إنما أقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم على إحرامه للسوق الذي ساق معه، فإن السائق قارن و القارن لا يحل حتى يبلغ هديه محله، و محله المنحر بمنى، فإذا بلغ أحل، فهذا الذي أمرناك به حج المتمتع فألزم ذلك و لا يضيقن صدرك، و الذي أتاك به أبو بصير من صلاة إحدى و خمسين، و الإهلال بالتمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج، و ما أمرنا به من أن يهل بالتمتع، فلذلك عندنا معان و تصاريف كذلك ما يسعنا و يسعكم و لا يخالف شي‏ء منه الحق و لا يضاده، و الحمد لله رب العالمين

17. [17/172] Rijal al-Kashshi: Hamduwayh from Muhammad b. Isa from Yunus from Abdallah b. Zurara AND Muhammad b. Qulawayh and al-Husayn b. al-Hasan from Sa`d from Harun b. al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Muhammad b. Abdallah b. Zurara and his [Zurara’s] two sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn from Abdallah b. Zurara who said: Abu Abdillah عليه السلام said to me: convey my salutations of peace to your father and say to him: Verily, I only defame you as a way of defending you, for the masses and the enemy hasten to whomever we draw near and praise his station so as to cause harm to the one we love and bring close. They accuse such a one because of our love for him and his closeness and intimacy with us, and they consider causing him harm and even killing him as justified. On the other hand, they praise every one whom we fault even if his affair is not praiseworthy. Thus, I fault you because you have become notorious as a result of your association with us and your inclination towards us, which have caused you to become blamable in the eyes of the people and your works to be looked upon unfavourably, all this because of your love for us and your inclination towards us. So I wished to fault you so that they can praise your religious stand as a result of my denigrating and diminishing you, and this becomes a way of warding off their evil from you. Allah Majestic and Mighty says: “as for the boat then it belonged to the poor working at sea so I wished to damage it because there was a king after them who seizes every good boat by force” this is a revelation from Allah [including the word] ‘good’. No by Allah! he did not damage it except so that it be saved from the king and is not ruined in his hands. It was a ‘good’ boat which had no question of being defective Allah be praised, so comprehend the parable, may Allah have mercy on you! for you are by Allah! the most beloved of people to me and the most beloved of the companions of my father in my estimation both in life and after death. Indeed you are the best boat in that tumultuous and stormy sea, and there is a tyrannical and usurping king after you, keeping watch for the crossing of every good boat returning from the sea of guidance so that he can take it for himself and seize it and its owners, so may the mercy of Allah be upon you in life and His mercy and pleasure be upon you after death. And your two sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn brought me your letter, may Allah guard, defend, watch over and protect them because of the goodness of their father, the way He had protected the two boys (the orphans in Surat al-Kahf). Let not your heart constrict in grief if Abu Basir comes to you with the opposite of that which you were instructed by my father and by me, for by Allah! we did not instruct you and him except with an instruction that is fitting to act upon both for us and for you, and for each [instruction, even if seemingly contradictory] we have diverse expressions and interpretations which all agree with the truth. And if we were allowed [to explain] you would come to know that the truth is in that which we have instructed you. So refer back to us the matter and submit to us and be patient in acting according to our rulings and be satisfied with them. The one who has divided you is your shepherd who has been given authority by Allah over His creation. He [the shepherd] is more aware of what is in the interest of his flock and what can corrupt it. If he wishes he divides between them to safe-guard them, then he unites them once more so that it is secure from destruction and the fear posed by its enemy, in such a time as Allah permits, bringing it thereby safety from His place of safety and relief from Him. Upon you is to submit and to refer back to us and to await our affair and your affair and our relief and your relief. However [if you do not submit wholly then], if our Riser were to rise and our Speaker speak and he recommences teaching you the Qur’an, the Laws of religion, the rulings and inheritance shares the way Allah revealed them to Muhammad the ‘people of insight’ among you will repudiate it on that day a bitter repudiation, then you will not remain steadfast upon the religion of Allah and his path except under the threat of the sword over your necks! The people after the prophet of Allah were left to embark by Allah the same example as those who came before you, so they changed, altered, distorted, and added to the religion of Allah and reduced from it, consequently there is not a thing which the people are upon today [following] except that it is distorted when compared to that which was revealed from Allah. Respond then my Allah have mercy on you away from what you are calling for to what you are being called to, until comes the one who will renew the religion anew. Upon you is the forty six unit prayer and to make the Hajj by reciting the Talbiyya aloud for Ifrad [Hajj alone without Umra] and make an intention to dissolve it [later], when you reach Makka you make the Tawaf and the Sa’i [between Safa and Marwa], then you dissolve what you had made Talbiyya for and change the Hajj to Umra, you are consequently relieved of the state of Ihram up to the day of Tarwiya, then you renew reciting the Talbiyya aloud for Hajj solely [Ifrad] [and go] to Mina, and witness the benefits at Arafat and Muzdalifa, for this was how the messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم made the Hajj and this is what he had ordered his companions to do, to dissolve that which they had recited the Talbiyya aloud for and to change the [intention of] Hajj to [that of] Umra, and the messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم remained in [the state of] his Ihram because of the animal which he had driven with [accompanying] him, for the Sa`iq [one who drives the animal] is a Qarin [coupler] and the Qarin does not disengage [from the state of Ihram] until his Hadi [sacrificial animal] reaches its appropriate place, and its appropriate place is the sacrificial grounds in Mina, so when it reaches there [and is slaughtered] then he has disengaged [from the sate of Ihram]. This which we have ordered you to comply with is the Hajj of the Mutamati`, so adhere to it and your chest should not be constricted [in grief], that which Abu Basir came to you with in regards the prayer being fifty one [units], and voicing the Talbiyya aloud for Tamattu [enjoying] combining the Umra with the Hajj [at the outset, without the maneuver of having to dissolve the intention] and our instruction to him to recite the Talbiyya for Tamattu, then we have for that different interpretations and expressions which are accommodating for both us and you, and none of them [the seemingly different instructions] oppose the truth nor contradict it, and all praise is due to Allah.