2 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رحمه الله)، قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، قال: حدثنا أبو طالب عبد الله بن الصلت القمي، قال حدثنا يونس بن عبد الرحمن، عن عاصم بن حميد، عن محمد بن قيس، عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر (عليهما السلام)، قال: إن اسم رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) في صحف إبراهيم: الماحي، وفي توراة موسى: الحاد، وفي إنحيل عيسى: أحمد، وفي الفرقان: محمد. قيل: فما تأويل الماحي؟ فقال: الماحي صورة الاصنام، وماحي الاوثان والازلام وكل معبود دون الرحمن. قيل: فما تأويل الحاد قال: يحاد من حاد الله ودينه، قريبا كان أو بعيدا. قيل: فما تأويل أحمد؟ قال: حسن ثناء الله عزوجل عليه في الكتب بما حمد من أفعاله. قيل: فما تأويل محمد؟ قال: إن الله وملائكته وجميع أنبيائه ورسله وجميع أممهم يحمدونه ويصلون عليه، وإن اسمه لمكتوب على العرش: محمد رسول الله. وكان (صلى الله عليه وآله) يلبس من القلانس اليمنية والبيضاء والمضربة (2) ذات الاذنين في الحرب، وكانت له عنزة (3) يتكئ عليها ويخرجها في العيدين، فيخطب بها، وكان له قضيب يقال له الممشوق، وكان له فسطاط يسمى الكن، وكانت له قصعة تسمى المنبعة (4)، وكان له قعب (5) يسمى الري، وكان له فرسان، يقال لاحدهما: المرتجز، وللآخر: السكب، وكانت له بغلتان، يقال لاحدهما: دلدل، وللاخرى: الشهباء، وكانت له ناقتان، يقال لاحدهما: العضباء، وللاخرى: الجدعاء، وكان له سيفان، يقال لاحدهما: ذو الفقار، وللآخر: العون، وكان له سيفان آخران، يقال لاحدهما: المخذم، وللآخر: الرسوم (1)، وكان له حمار يسمى يعفور، وكانت له عمامة تسمى السحاب، وكانت له درع تسمى ذات الفضول، لها ثلاث حلقات فضة: حلقة بين يديها، وحلقتان خلفها، وكانت له راية تسمى العقاب، وكان له بعير يحمل عليه يقال له: الديباج، وكان له لواء يسمى المعلوم، وكان له مغفر يقال له: الاسعد. فسلم ذلك كله إلى علي (عليه السلام) عند موته، وأخرج خاتمه وجعله في إصبعه، فذكر علي (عليه السلام) أنه وجد في قائمة سيف من سيوفه (صلى الله عليه وآله) صحيفة فيها ثلاثة أحرف: صل من قطعك، وقل الحق ولو على نفسك، وأحسن إلى من أساء إليك (2). قال: وقال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): خمس لا أدعهن حتى الممات: الاكل على الحضيض مع العبيد، وركوبي الحمار مؤكفا (3)، وحلبي العنز بيدي، ولبس الصوف، والتسليم على الصبيان لتكون سنة من بعدي (4).
Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid narrated to us. He said: Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Saffar narrated to us. He said: Abu Talib `Abdullah b. al-Salt al-Qummi narrated to us. He said: Yunus b. `Abd al-Rahman narrated to us from Asim b. Hamid from Muhammad b. Qays from Abi Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Baqir
. He said: Surely, the name of the Messenger of Allah (s) in the Scrolls of Ibrahim is the Effacer (al-Mahi). In the Torah of Musa, it is the Adversary (al-Had). In the Gospel of Jesus, it is the Praised One (Ahmad). In the Criterion, it is Muhammad. It was said: What is the meaning of the Effacer? So, he said: The one who effaces the images on statues, the idols, the divining arrows, and everything that is worshiped besides the Merciful. It was said: What is the meaning of the Adversary? He said: He is the adversary of those who oppose Allah and His religion, near or far. It was said: What is the meaning of the Praised One? He said: The beauty of Allah's attestation to his praiseworthy actions, as described in the scriptures. It was said: What is the meaning of Muhammad? He said: Allah, His angels, all His prophets and messengers, and all their nations praise him and send blessings on him. The name of his that is written on the Throne is "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah." He (s) would wear white Yemenite skullcaps and a shield with two handles during wartime. He had a staff that he would lean on; and he would take it out during the two Eids and lecture with it. He had a spear that was called “the Unsheathed”. He had a house made of hair that was named “the Resting Place”. He had a cup that was named “the Fountain”. He had a vessel named “the Irrigator”. He had two horses; one was called “the Chastiser” and the other was called “the Outpourer”. He had two mules; one was called “Porcupine (Duldul)” and the other was called “One with Black and White Hair (al-Shahba’)”. He had two she-camels; one was called “the Muscular” and the other was called “the Malnourished”. He had two swords; one was called “the Bifurcator (Dhulfiqar)” and the other was called “the Helper”. He had two other swords; one was called “the Striker” and the other was called “the Drawing” (al-rusum; in another book, “the Nullifier” al-rasub). He had a donkey named “the Child of a Wild Cow (al-Ya`fur)”. He had a turban named “the Cloud”. He had a shield named “the Virtuous” – it had three silver rings: a ring in the front, and two rings in the back. He had a flag named “the Punishment”. He had a packing-camel called “Brocade”. He had a banner named “the Known”. He had chainmail named “the Happiest”. He gave all of that to `Ali
at his death. He took off his ring and put it on his finger. So, `Ali
remembered that he had found a sword from his (s) swords with a parchment in it. It had three phrases: “Pray for those who cut you off. Speak the truth, even if it is against yourself. Be good to those who do evil to you.” He said: And the Messenger of Allah (s) said: There are five things that I will not abandon until death: (1) Eating whilst sitting on the hard ground with slaves. (2) Riding donkeys without saddles. (3) Milking goats by hand. (4) Wearing wool. (5) Greeting young boys, so that it may be a tradition after me.
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