14 - قال: أخبرني أبو بكر محمد بن عمر الجعابي قال: حدثنا أبو العباس أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد قال: حدثني محمد بن أحمد بن خاقان النهدي قال: حدثني سليم الخادم في درب الحب، عن إبراهيم بن عقبة بن جعفر، عن محمد بن نضر بن قرواش النهدي الجمال الكوفي، عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام قال: إن صاحب الدين فكر فعلته السكينة، واستكان فتواضع، وقنع فاستغنى ورضي بما أعطي، وانفرد فكفي الإخوان، ورفض الشهوات فصار حرا، وخلع الدنيا فتحامى الشرور ، واطرح الحسد فظهرت المحبة، ولم يخف الناس فلم يخفهم، ولم يذنب إليهم فسلم منهم، وسخت نفسه عن كل شئ ففاز واستكمل الفضل، وأبصر العافية فأمن الندامة .
14. He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Umar al-Ji’abi reported to me from Abul Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Saeed, who reported from Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Khaqan al-Nahdi, who reported from Sulaim, the servant at the Darb al-Hubb (probably referring to Sulaim the servant of ‘Ali ibn Yaqteen), from Ibrahim ibn Uqbah ibn Ja’far, from Muhammad ibn Nadhr ibn Qarwash al-Nahdi, the camel hirer at Kufa, that: Abu Abdillah, Ja’far ibn Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "A religious person thinks about his conduct with serenity, and when he submits (to such) he becomes humble, and when contented, he enjoys sufficiency, pleased with whatever he has been endowed with, and when he is alone, he craves no company; he abandons all base desires and thus becomes free. Being divested of the world, he is protected from the evils, having cast aside jealousy, he displays and earns love. He poses no threat to the people, so people are not afraid of him; he does not offend them, so he is secured from them, and he always censured himself for his own shortcomings in every matter, till he succeeds and reaches perfection. He has adopted the ways where lie his well-being and health, and therefore never regrets."
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