4 - قال: أخبرني أبو الحسن علي بن مالك النحوي قال: حدثنا علي بن هامان قال: سمعت فضل بن سعد يقول: سمعت الرياشي يقول: سمعت محمد بن سلام يقول: سمعت شريحا القاضي يقول: من سأل أخاه حاجة فقد عرض نفسه على الرق، فإن قضاها استرقه، وإن لم يقضها فقد أذله، وكانا ذليلين، هذا بذل الرد، وهذا بذل المسألة، ثم أنشد: ليس يعتاظ باذل الوجه من * بذل [ماء] وجهه عوضا كيف يعتاض من أتاك وقد * صير الذل وجهه عرضا
4. He said: Abul Hassan ‘Ali ibn Malik al-Nahwy reported to me from ‘Ali ibn Hamman, who reported from Fadhl ibn Sa’d, who reported from al-Riyashi, who reported from Muhammad ibn Sallam, who reported from Shurayh, the Qadhi that: "Whoever takes his need to his fellow brother for fulfillment, he enslaves himself; if that brother fulfils his want, he frees him from the bondage, and if he does not, then he humiliates him. In fact, both have been humbles; the giver for not being able to oblige, and the beggar for having asked." Then he recited the following verses. "A man who has had to put the honour of his face at stake, cannot be recompensed, And how can he be recompensed, when humility has caused him disgrace."
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