2 - قال: أخبرني أبو الحسين أحمد بن الحسين بن أسامة البصري إجازة قال: حدثنا عبيد الله بن محمد الواسطي قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن يحيى قال: حدثنا هارون بن مسلم بن سعدان قال: حدثنا مسعدة بن صدقة قال: حدثنا جعفر ابن محمد، عن أبيه عليهما السلام إنه قال: أرسل النجاشي ملك الحبشة إلى جعفر بن أبي طالب وأصحابه، فدخلوا عليه وهو في بيت له جالس على التراب وعليه خلقان الثياب . قال: فقال جعفر بن أبي طالب فأشفقنا منه حين رأيناه على تلك الحال، فلما أن رأى ما بنا وتغير وجوهنا قال: الحمد لله الذي نصر محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وأقر عيني به، ألا أبشركم؟ فقلت: بلى أيها الملك، فقال: إنه جاء في الساعة من نحو أرضكم عين من عيوني هناتك فأخبرني أن الله قد نصر نبيه محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وأهلك عدوه وأسر فلان وفلان وفلان، وقتل فلان وفلان وفلان، التقوا بواد يقال له بدر، لكأني أنظر إليه حيث كنت أرعى لسيدي هناك وهو رجل من بني ضمرة . فقال له جعفر: أيها الملك الصالح فما لي أراك جالسا على التراب وعليك هذه الخلقان؟ فقال: يا جعفر إنا نجد فيما أنزل الله على عيسى صلى الله عليه: إن من حق الله على عباده أن يحدثوا له تواضعا عندما يحدث لهم من النعمة، فلما أحدث الله لي نعمة نبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أحدثت لله هذا التواضع. قال: فلما بلغ النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ذلك قال لأصحابه: إن الصدقة تزيد صاحبها كثرة، فتصدقوا يرحمكم الله، وإن التواضع يزيد صاحبه رفعة فتواضعوا يرفعكم الله، وإن العفو يزيد صاحبه عزة فاعفوا يعزكم الله.

2. He said: Abul Husayn Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Usamah al-Basriy has allowed me to narrate that Ubaidullah ibn Muhammad al-Wasitiy reported form Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Yahya, who reported from Harun ibn Muslim ibn Sa’dan, who reported from Mas’adah ibn Sadaqah, who reported from Ja’far ibn Muhammad, from his father, peace be upon them all, that: Al-Najashi, the king of Abyssinia, sent for Ja’far ibn Abu Talib and his companions. When they called upon him, they saw him sitting on the dusty ground, wearing old clothes. Ja’far ibn Abu Talib said that when we saw him in that condition, we were taken by fear. But, upon sensing our concern and the change of colour in our faces, he said: "Praise be to Allah, Who helped Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, and thus cooled and comforted my eyes! May I not give you good tidings?" I said: "Yes, O king." He said: "Just now, one of my informers in your lands has come to inform me that Allah helped His Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, and destroyed his enemy. And so-and-so has been taken prisoner and so-and-so has been killed. They had confronted each other at a place called Badr. As if I see him the way I used to tend my master’s cattle there, who was from Banu Zamrah." So Ja’far said to him: "O benign king! Why do I see you sit on the dust wearing the old attire?" He said: "O Ja’far, we read in what has been revealed to Isa, may Allah bless him, that it is Allah’s right over His servants that whenever He bestows a bounty upon them, they should show humility. So when Allah blessed Muhammad, His Prophet with the bounty, I profferred this humility before Him." He said: When the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, learnt about this, he said to his companions: "Giving away in charity and alms increases the wealth of its owner, so give alms, may Allah have mercy on you. And humility elevates and enhances the stature of the one who adopts it, so be humble, may Allah elevate you. And to be forgiving increases the honour of the forgiver. So be forgiving, that Allah may bless you with honour."