Al-Kāfi - Volume 4

Book 3, Chapter 228

Another Dua at the grave of Ameer al-Mumineen
1 Ḥadīth

تقول: " السلام عليك يا ولى الله، السلام عليك يا حجة الله، السلام عليك يا خليفة الله، السلام عليك يا عمود الدين ، السلام عليك يا وارث النبيين، السلام عليك يا قسيم الجنة والنار وصاحب العصا والميسم ، السلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين أشهد أنك كلمة التقوى وباب الهدي والعروة الوثقى والحبل المتين والصراط المستقيم و أشهد أنك حجة الله على خلقه وشاهده على عباده وأمينه على علمه وخازن سره و موضع حكمته وأخو رسوله (عليه السلام) وأشهد أن دعوتك حق وكل داع منصوب دونك باطل مدحوض، أنت أول مظلوم وأول مغصوب حقه فصبرت واحتسبت، لعن الله من ظلمك واعتدي عليك وصد عنك لعنا كثيرا يلعنهم به كل ملك مقرب وكل نبي مرسل وكل عبد مؤمن ممتحن، صلى الله عليك يا أمير المؤمنين وصلي الله على روحك وبدنك أشهد أنك عبد الله وأمينه بلغت ناصحا وأديت أمينا وقتلت صديقا ومضيت على يقين لم تؤثر عمي على هدي ولم تمل من حق إلى باطل، أشهد أنك قد أقمت الصلاة وآتيت الزكاة وأمرت بالمعروف ونهيت عن المنكر واتبعت الرسول ونصحت للأمة وتلوت الكتاب حق تلاوته وجاهدت في الله حق جهاده ودعوت إلى سبيله بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة حتى أتاك اليقين، أشهد أنك كنت على بينة من ربك ودعوت إليه على بصيرة وبلغت ما أمرت به وقمت بحق الله غير واهن فصلي الله عليك صلاة متبعة متواصلة مترادفة يتبع بعضها بعضا لا انقطاع لها ولا أمد ولا أجل والسلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته وجزاك الله من صديق خيرا عن رعيته، أشهد أن الجهاد معك جهاد وأن الحق معك وإليك وأنت أهله ومعدنه وميراث النبوة عندك فصلى الله عليك وسلم تسليما وعذب الله قاتلك بأنواع العذاب، أتيتك يا أمير المؤمنين عارفا بحقك مستبصرا بشأنك معاديا لأعدائك مواليا لأوليائك بابي أنت وأمي أتيتك عائذا بك من نار استحقها مثلي بما جنيت على نفسي أتيتك زائرا أبتغي بزيارتك فكاك رقبتي من النار، أتيتك هاربا من ذنوبي التي احتطبتها على ظهري أتيتك وافدا لعظيم حالك ومنزلتك عند ربي فاشفع لي عند ربك فإن لي ذنوبا كثيرة وإن لك عند الله مقاما معلوما وجاها عظيما وشأنا كبيرا وشفاعة مقبولة وقد قال الله عز وجل: " ولا يشفعون إلا لمن ارتضى " اللهم رب الأرباب صريخ الأحباب إني عذت بأخي رسولك معاذا ففك رقبتي من النار آمنت بالله وما انزل إليكم وأتولى آخركم بما توليت [به] أولكم وكفرت بالجبت و الطاغوت واللات والعزى.

You say: "Peace be upon you, O vicegerent of Allah, peace be upon you, O proof of Allah, peace be upon you, O successor of Allah, peace be upon you, O pillar of the religion, peace be upon you, O inheritor of the prophets, peace be upon you, O divider of paradise and hell, and the bearer of the staff and the seal, peace be upon you, O commander of the faithful.

I bear witness that you are the word of piety, the gate of guidance, the firm bond, the strong rope, and the straight path. I bear witness that you are Allah's proof to His creation, His witness over His servants, His trustee of His knowledge, the keeper of His secrets, the repository of His wisdom, and the brother of His Messenger (a.s).

I bear witness that your call is true and that any caller appointed apart from you is false and refuted. You are the first oppressed and the first whose right was usurped; you endured patiently and sought the reward. May Allah curse those who wronged you, exceeded against you, and turned away from you with numerous curses, cursed by every close angel, every sent prophet, and every tested believing servant.

Peace be upon you, O commander of the faithful, peace be upon your soul and your body. I bear witness that you are a servant of Allah and His trustee; you conveyed faithfully and performed sincerely, were killed as a truthful friend, and departed with certainty, neither preferring blindness to guidance nor deviating from truth to falsehood.

I bear witness that you established the prayer, gave the alms, enjoined good, forbade evil, followed the Messenger, advised the nation, recited the Book as it should be recited, strove for Allah as one should strive, and invited to His path with wisdom and good advice until certainty came to you.

I bear witness that you were on clear evidence from your Lord, called to Him with insight, conveyed what you were commanded, and upheld Allah’s rights without weakness. So may Allah send blessings upon you, continuous, successive, and uninterrupted, and grant you peace and mercy. May Allah reward you as a truthful friend on behalf of your followers.

I bear witness that fighting alongside you is a struggle (for the sake of Allah), and that truth is with you and returns to you; you are its rightful owner and source, and the inheritance of prophethood is with you. So may Allah send blessings upon you and grant you peace. May Allah punish your killer with various forms of torment.

I come to you, O commander of the faithful, acknowledging your right, understanding your position, opposing your enemies, and supporting your friends. My father and mother are at your service. I come to you seeking refuge from the fire which someone like me deserves because of what I have done to myself. I come to you as a visitor, hoping that your visitation will free my neck from the fire. I come to you fleeing from my sins that I have heaped upon my back. I come to you recognizing your great status and rank with my Lord.

So intercede for me with your Lord, for I have many sins, and you have a known position and great status with Allah, and a significant intercession. Allah the Exalted said: 'And they will not intercede except for him with whom He is pleased.' (21:28) O Allah, Lord of lords, Helper of the beloved, I have sought refuge with the brother of Your Messenger, so free my neck from the fire. I believe in Allah and what has been revealed to you, and I am loyal to your last one as I was loyal to your first one, and I disbelieve in the Jibt, and the Taghut, and Al-Lat and Al-Uzza."