Faḍaʾil al-Shīʿa

Book 1, Chapter 17

1 Ḥadīth

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدّثني سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد، عن القاسم بن يحيى، عن جدّه الحسن بن راشد، عن أبي بصير، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وآله : يا علي إن الله عزّ وجلّ وهبك حبّ المساكين والمستضعفين في الأرض، فرضيت بهم إخواناً ورضوا بك إماماً. فطوبى لمن أحبّك وصدّق عليك، وويل لمن أبغضك وكذّب عليك. يا عليّ، أنت العالم بهذه الاُمّة، من أحبّك فاز، ومن أبغضك هلك. يا عليّ، أنا المدينة وأنت بابها، وهل تؤتى المدينة إلاّ من بابها؟ يا عليّ، أهل مودّتك كلّ أوّاب حفيظ وكلّ ذي طمر لو أقسم على الله لبرّ قسمه. يا عليّ، إخوانك كلّ طاهر وزكي مجتهد يحبّ فيك ويبغض فيك، محتقر عند الخلق، عظيم المنزلة عند الله. يا عليّ، محبّوك جيران الله في دار الفردوس، لا يتأسّفون على ما خلّفوا من الدنيا. يا عليّ، أنا وليّ لمن واليت، وأنا عدوّ لمن عاديت. يا عليّ، من أحبّك فقد أحبّني، ومن أبغضك فقد أبغضني. يا عليّ، إخوانك الذبل الشفاه، تعرف الرهبانيّة في وجوههم. يا عليّ، إخوانك يفرحون في ثلاثة مواطن: عند خروج أنفسهم وأنا شاهدهم وأنت، وعند المساءلة في قبورهم، وعند العرض وعند الصراط، إذا سئل سائر الخلق عن إيمانهم فلم يجيبوا. يا عليّ، حربك حربي، وسلمك سلمي، وحربي حرب الله، وسلمي سلم الله من سالمك فقد سالم الله عزّ وجلّ. يا عليّ بشّر إخوانك بانّ لله قد رضي عنهم إذ رضيك لهم قائداً ورضوا بك وليّاً. يا عليّ، أنت أمير المؤمنين، وقائد الغرّ المحجّلين. يا عليّ، شيعتك المنتجبون, ولولا أنت وشيعتك ما قام الله دين، ولولا من في الأرض منكم لما أنزلت السماء قطرها. يا عليّ، لك كنز في الجنّة، وأنت ذو قرنيها، وشيعتك تعرف بحزب الله. يا عليّ، أنت وشيعتك القائمون بالقسط، وخيرة الله من خلقه. يا عليّ, أنا أوّل من ينفض التراب من رأسه وأنت معي ثمّ سائر الخلق. يا عليّ، أنت وشيعتك على الحوض تسقون من أحببتم، وتمنعون من كرهتم، وأنتم الآمنون يوم الفزع الأكبر في ظلّ العرش. يفزع الناس ولا تفزعون، ويحزن الناس ولا تحزنون. فيكم نزلت هذه الآية: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ سَبَقَتْ لَهُمْ مِّنَّا الْحُسْنَى أُوْلَئِكَ عَنْهَا مُبْعَدُونَ * لاَ يَسْمَعُونَ حَسِيْسَهَا وَهُمْ فِي مَا اشْتَهَتْ أَنْفُسُهُمْ خَالِدُونَ * لاَ يَحْزُنُهُمُ الْفَزَعُ الاَْكْبَرُ وَتَتَلَقَّاهُمُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ هَذَا يَوْمُكُمُ الّذِي كُنْتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ). يا عليّ، أنت وشيعتك تطلبون في الموقف، وأنتم في الجنان تتنعّمون. يا عليّ، إنّ الملائكة والخزّان يشتاقون إليكم وإنّ حملة العرش والملائكة المقرّبون ليخصّونكم بالدعاء ويسألون الله بمحبّتكم ويفرحون لمن قدم عليهم منهم كما يفرح الأهل بالغائب القادم بعد طول الغيبة. يا عليّ، شيعتك الّذين يخافون الله في السرّ، وينصحونه في العلانية. يا عليّ، شيعتك الّذين يتنافسون في الدرجات لأنّهم يلقون الله وما عليهم من ذنب. يا عليّ، إنّ أعمال شيعتك تعرض عليَّ كلّ يوم جمعة، فأفرح بصالح ما يبلغني من أعمالهم وأستغفر لسيّئاتهم. يا عليّ، ذكرك في التوراة وذكر شيعتك قبل أن يخلقوا بكلّ خير، وكذلك في الانجيل. فاسأل أهل الانجيل وأهل الكتاب يخبروك عن "إليا" مع علمك بالتوراة والانجيل وما أعطاك الله عزّ وجلّ من علم الكتاب، وإن أهل الإنجيل ليتعاظمون إليا وما يعرفون شيعته، وإنّما يعرفونهم بما يجدونه في كتبهم. يا عليّ، إنّ أصحابك ذكرهم في السماء أعظم من ذكر أهل الأرض لهم بالخير فليفرحوا بذلك، وليزدادوا اجتهاداً. يا عليّ، أرواح شيعتك تصعد إلى السماء في رقادهم، فتنظر الملائكة إليها كما ينظر الناس إلى الهلال شوقاً إليهم، ولما يرون منزلتهم عند الله عزّ وجلّ. يا عليّ، قل لأصحابك العارفين بك يتنزّهون عن الأعمال التي يقارفها عدوّهم، فما من يوم ولا ليلة إلاّ ورحمة الله تغشاهم، فليجتنبوا الدنس. يا عليّ، اشتد غضب الله على من قلاهم وبرىء منك ومنهم، واستبدل بك وبهم ومال إلى عدوّك، وتركك وشيعتك، واختار الضلال، ونصب الحرب لك ولشيعتك وأبغضنا أهل البيت، وأبغض من والاك ونصرك واختارك وبذل مهجته وماله فينا. يا عليّ، اقرأهم منّي السلام من لم أر ولم يروني، واعلمهم أنّهم إخواني الّذين أشتاق إليهم. فليلقوا علمي إلى من يبلغ القرون من بعدي، وليتمسّكوا بحبل الله وليعتصموا به، وليجتهدوا في العمل. فإنّا لا نخرجهم من هدى إلى ضلالة. وأخبرهم أنّ الله عنهم راض، وأنّه يباهي بهم ملائكته، وينظر إليهم في كلّ جمعة برحمته، ويأمر الملائكة أن يستغفروا لهم. يا عليّ، لا ترغب عن نصرة قوم يبلغهم أو يسمعون أنّي اُحبّك فأحبّوك لحبّي إيّاك ودانوا الله عزّ وجلّ بذلك، وأعطوك صفو المودّة من قلوبهم، واختاروك على الآباء والاخوة والأولاد، وسلكوا طريقك وقد حملوا على المكاره فينا فأبوا إلاّ نصرنا، وبذلوا المهج فينا مع الأذى وسوء القول، وما يقاسونه من مضامضة ذلك. فكن بهم رحيماً، واقنع بهم، فانّ الله اختارهم بعلمه لنا من بين الخلق، وخلقهم من طينتنا، واستودعهم سرّنا، وألزم قلوبهم معرفة حقّنا، وشرح صدورهم، وجعلهم متمسّكين بحبلنا. لا يؤثرون علينا من خالفنا مع ما يزول من الدنيا عنهم، وميل الشيطان بالمكاره عليهم أيّدهم الله وسلك بهم طريق الهدى فاعتصموا به، والناس في غمرة الضلالة متحيّرون في الأهواء، عموا عن الحجّة وما جاء من عند الله، فهم يمسون ويصبحون في سخط الله، وشيعتك على منهاج الحقّ والاستقامة، لا يستأنسون إلى من خالفهم، ليست الدنيا منهم وليسوا منها. اُولئك مصابيح الدجى، اُولئك مصابيح الدجى، اُولئك مصابيح الدجى.

My father (r) narrated from Sa’d bin Abdullah from Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Khalid from al-Qasim bin Yahya from his grandfather alHasan bin Rashid from Abu Bassir from Abu Abdullah (a.s) that the Prophet (s) said: O Ali, Allah has bestowed upon you with the love of the poor and the oppressed on this earth. You have accepted them as brothers and they have accepted you as their imam. Blessed are they who loved and believed you. Woe to them who hated and belied you. O Ali, you are the most knowledgeable in this umma. He who loves you will win. Whoever hates you will perish. O Ali, I am the city (of knowledge) and you are its door. How can a city be entered from anything other than its door? O Ali, the people who love you are every repentant and keeper (of his promises) as well as every wearer of shabby clothes whose supplications are utterly answered by Allah. O Ali, your brothers are the pure, chaste, and diligent ones who love and hate for your sake. They are humiliated in the sight of people, but they are high-ranking in the sight of Allah. O Ali, the people who love you will be the neighbors of Allah in the Abode of High Paradise. They do not feel sorry for what they had left in the world. O Ali, I am the support of him whoever you support and the enemy of him whoever you antagonize. O Ali, he who loves you loves me and whoever hates you hates me. O Ali, your brothers are the dry-lipped ones. Reverence is identified in their faces. O Ali, your brothers will be happy in three situations: When they go out of their graves while you and I will be their witnesses, when they encounter the tomb interrogation, and when they encounter the Presentation and the Path when the other people will not find answers as they will be asked about their faith. O Ali, to fight you is to fight against me and to make peace with you is to make peace with me. To fight against me is to fight against Allah and to make peace with me is to make peace with Allah. He who makes peace with you is making peace with Allah. O Ali, bear the good tidings to your brothers; Allah has been satisfied with them so long as He accepted you as their leader and they accepted you as their master. O Ali, you are the commander of the faithful believers and the leader of the white-forheaded honorables. O Ali, your Shia are the choice. Without you as well as your Shia, the religion of Allah would not have risen. If the earth is empty of you, the heavens will not cause its drops of rain to descend. O Ali, you will have a treasure in Paradise. You are the twohorned of this nation. Your Shia are known as Hezbollah (the Party of Allah). O Ali, your Shia and you are the administrators of justice and the best creatures of Allah. O Ali, I will be the first one who shakes off the dust from the head and you will be with me. Then the other creatures will do. O Ali, your Shia and you will be the guardians of the Divine Pool. You will water whomever you like and prevent whomever you dislike. You are the saved on the Day of the Grand Horror. You will be under the shadow of the Divine Throne. People will panic, but you will not panic. People will be sad, but you will not be sad. You are the only intendeds in Allah’s saying: "But those to whom We have already promised blessings will be far away from Hell. They will not even hear the slightest sound from it while enjoying the best that they can wish for in their everlasting life. They will not be affected by the great terror. The angels will come to them with this glad news: ’This is your day which was promised to you.’ (21:101-3)" O Ali, your Shia and you will ask in the Situation (of the Judgment) and you will bask in the gardens (of Paradise). O Ali, the angels and the doorkeepers (of Paradise) long for meeting you. The bearers of the Divine Throne and the intimate angels pray for you exclusively, implore to Allah by their love for you and become happy for the coming of anyone of you to them the same way as family members become happy for the return of the absent after a long period of being away. O Ali, your Shia fear Allah secretly and advise people for His cause openly. O Ali, your Shia compete with each other for gaining the ranks, because they will meet Allah without being burdened with any sin. O Ali, the deeds of your Shia are presented before me every Friday. I become happy for their good deeds and implore to Allah to forgive their sins. O Ali, in the Torah and the Gospel, your Shia and you are mentioned in a good reference before they were created. Ask the people of the Torah and the people of the Kitab to tell you about ’Eli’; yet, you are well versed in the Torah and the Gospel. The scripturalists honor Eli, but they do not know his Shia. They know him as much as that which is recorded in their books. O Ali, the good reference to your companions in the heavens is greater than it is on the earth. Thus, they should be happy for so and should be more diligent. O Ali, the spirits of your Shia ascend to the heavens during their sleep. There, the angels, out of their longing for them and the ranks that Allah has decided for them, look at the spirits of the Shia in the same way as people look at the crescent. O Ali, ask your companions who acknowledge you to be too great for committing the acts that their enemies commit. No single day and no single night pass without having the mercy of Allah overshadowed over them. Hence, they should avoid impurity. O Ali, the wrath of Allah is intense on anyone who hates the Shia, disavows them and you, chooses anyone else other than them and you, inclines to your enemy, leaves your Shia and you, opts for deviation, wages war against your Shia and you, hates us-the Prophet’s family, and hates him who follows, supports, chooses, and offers his soul and wealth for your sake. O Ali, send my greetings to them whom I will not see and they will not see me and tell them that they are my true brothers that I long for meeting. They should deliver my knowledge to the coming generations, hold fast and cling to the tie of Allah, and work diligently. We will not take them out of the right guidance and will not lead them to deviation. Tell them that Allah is pleased with them, takes pride in them before the angels, looks at them every Friday with mercy, and orders the angels to seek forgiveness to them. O Ali, do not turn away from supporting them who loved you because they had heard that I love you and took their love for you as a belief that takes them nearer to Allah, gave you their pure affection of their hearts, preferred you to their fathers, brothers, and sons, pursued your path, stood all the misfortunes for our sake, rejected everything for backing us, sacrificed their souls for us, and endured harm, insult, and bitterness for our sake. Therefore, be merciful to them and satisfy yourself with them, for Allah has chosen them for us out of His knowledge from among the creatures, created them from the same clay from which He created us, deposited with them our secret, bound their hearts to acknowledge our right, comforted their hearts, and made them cling to our tie. They never prefer the dissidents to us even if this takes the worldly pleasures away from them and causes the Shaitan to inflict them with misfortunes. As Allah supported and led them to the right way, they have held fast to Him while people are plunging in the floods of deviation and perplexed in the midst of passions. They could not see the right path and that which has come from Allah; therefore, they begin and end their day with the wrath of Allah. On the other side, your Shia are on the course of right and straightforwardness. They do not like the company of those who dissented them. The world is not their concern and they are not its concern. Those are surely the lanterns of gloom. Those are surely the lanterns of gloom. Those are surely the lanterns of gloom.