
1. (a.s) Muḥammad ibn Ḥusain ibn Mat Al-Jawhari narrated to me from Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā ibn ‘Imrān, from Hārūn ibn Muslim, from ‘Ali ibn Ḥassān, who said: Imam Riďā (a.s) was asked about going to (the Ziyārah of) the grave of Abil Ḥasan (Imam Kāżim (a.s)). He (the Imam (a.s)) replied: Establish prayers in the mosques around the grave and recite the following – which can also be recited in all of the sites (of the Infallibles (a.s)): Salām upon Allāh’s Divine Authorities and His Chosen Ones. Salām upon Allāh’s Trustees and His Loved Ones. Salām upon Allāh’s Supporters and His Caliphs. Salām upon the places in which Allāh can be known. Salām upon the houses in which Allāh is extolled. Salām upon the Ones who manifest Allāh’s orders and His prohibitions. Salām upon the Ones who call (the people) toward Allāh. Salām upon the Ones who are settled firmly in that which pleases Allāh. Salām upon the Ones who are loyal in obeying Allāh. Salām upon the Ones whom those who follow them have followed Allāh, those who antagonize them have antagonized Allāh, those who know them have known Allāh, those who ignore them have ignored Allāh, those who seek refuge with them have sought refuge with Allāh, and those who abandon them have abandoned Allāh. I take Allāh as witness that I make peace with those who make peace with you, I antagonize those who antagonize you, I believe in that which is secret about you and that which is apparent about you, and I rely on you in all of this. May Allāh’s curse be upon the enemies of the family of Muḥammad (a.s) from among the Jinn and mankind and I seek nearness to Allāh by dissociating myself from them. And may Allāh’s blessing be upon Muḥammad and his family. Imam (a.s) added: This is sufficient for performing any Ziyārah (of the infallibles (a.s)). And (after reciting it) increasingly send blessings on Muḥammad ﷺ and his family (a.s) and name them one after the other and dissociate from their enemies. Then choose some supplications and pray for yourself and the believers from among the men and the women.