زيارة آل يس

Zīyārat Āl Yāsīn

Source: Al-Iḥtijāj by Al-Ṭabrisi (d. ~560 AH)
Zīyāra Āl Yāsīn is a famous ziyara-text for pilgrimmage of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s), which begins with the phrase: "Greetings be to the progeny of Yasin." The narrator of this ziyara is Ibn ‘Abdallah al-Himyari who lived in the final period of the minor occultation and several of his letters to Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) have been narrated; among these letters, one letter contains this ziyara.
سلام على آل يس
salam ʿalā āl yās
Peace be upon (the) progeny of Yaseen.
السلام عليك يا داعي الله و رباني آياته
al-salām ʿalayk yā dāʿiyy allāh wa rabbanī āyātih
Peace be upon you, O the caller of Allah and place of manifestation of His signs.
السلام عليك يا باب الله و ديان دينه
as-salamu ʿalayka ya bāb allāh wa dīyān dīnih
Peace be upon you, O the door of Allah and the devout one of His religion.
السلام عليك يا خليفة الله و ناصر حقه
al-salām ʿalayka yā khaleefat allāh wa nāṣir ḥaqquh
Peace be upon you, O the vicegerent of Allah and the helper of His truth.
السلام عليك يا حجة الله و دليل إرادته
al-salām ʿalayk ya ḥujjat allāh wa dalīl irādatih
Peace be upon you, O the proof of Allah and the Guide of His intention.
السلام عليك يا تالي كتاب الله و ترجمانه
al-salām ʿalayk(a) yā tāli k(i)tāb(i) l-lāh(i) wa tarjumānuh(u)
Peace be upon you, O the reciter of Allah's book and its interpreter.
السلام عليك في آناء ليلك و أطراف نهارك
al-salām ʿalayk fī ānā'ī laylik wa aṭrāf nahārik
Peace be upon you in your night and in your day.
السلام عليك يا بقية الله في أرضه
as-salāmu ʿalayka yā baqiyat allāh fī arḍihi
Peace be upon you, O the remnant of Allah on His earth.
السلام عليك يا ميثاق الله الذي أخذه و وكده
al-salām ʿalayka yā mīthāq allāh al-ladhī akhadhahu wa wakadahu
Peace be upon you, O the covenant of Allah, which He took it and He fastened it.
السلام عليك يا وعد الله الذي ضمنه
assalamu ʿalayka yā waʿd allāh al-ladhī ḍamanahu
Peace be upon you, O the promise of Allah which He guaranteed it.
السلام عليك أيها العلم المنصوب
al-salāmu ʿalayka ayyuha al-ʿilmu al-mansūbu
Peace by upon you, O the manifested flag
و العلم المصبوب و الغوث
wa al-ʿilm al-mṣbwb wa al-ghawth
and the one who is filled with knowledge and the help
و الرحمة الواسعة وَعْدٌ غَيْرُ مَكْذُوبٍ
wa al-rahmatu al-wasiʿah waʿdun ghayru makdhūbin
and the far-reaching mercy a promise which is not a lie.
السلام عليك حين تقوم
al-salām ʿalayka ḥīna taqūm
Peace be upon you while you are standing
السلام عليك حين تقعد
as-salāmu ʿalayka ḥīna taqʿud
Peace be upon you while you are sitting.
السلام عليك حين تقرأ و تبين
al-salām ʿalayk(a) ḥīn taqraʾ wa tubayyin
Peace be upon you when you are reading and explaining
السلام عليك حين تصلي و تقنت
assalamu ʿalayka ḥīna taṣallī wa taqnat
Peace be upon you when you are praying and supplicating.
السلام عليك حين تركع و تسجد
as-salāmu ʿalayka ḥīna tarkaʿu wa tasjuda
Peace be upon you when you are bowing and prostrating.
السلام عليك حين تهلل و تكبر
al-salām ʿalayka ḥīn tahallal wa takbir
Peace be upon you when you are saying "There is no God except Allah' and (when) you are saying 'Allah is greater (than what He is described).'
السلام عليك حين تحمد و تستغفر
assalamu ʿalayk(a) h(e)in(a) taḥmad(a) wa t(astagh)f(ir)
Peace be upon you when you are praising (Allah) and seeking forgiveness.
السلام عليك حين تصبح و تمسي
al-salāmu ʿalayk(a) ḥīna tasbaḥu wa tumsī
Peace be upon you when you enter the morning and the evening.
السلام عليك في اللَّيْلِ إِذا يَغْشى
al-salāmu ʿalayka fī al-layli iḏā yaġšā
Peace be upon you in the night when it envelops
وَ النَّهارِ إِذا تَجَلَّى
wa alnnahari 'itha tajallaa
and the day when it becomes manifest.
السلام عليك أيها الإمام المأمون
al-salām ʿalayka ayyuha al-imām al-maʾmūn
Peace be upon you, O the leader, the protected one.
السلام عليك أيها المقدم المأمول
as-salamu ʿalayk(a) ya muqaddam al-ma'mul
Peace be upon you, O the prior hoped one.
السلام عليك بجوامع السلام
al-salām ʿalayk bi-jawāmiʿ al-salām
Peace be upon you by the collections of the salutations.
أشهد موالي أني أشهدك يا مولاي أني
ashhadu mauwlay annī ashhaduka ya maulay annī
I call you as a witness, O my Master,
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
ashhadu ʾan lā ʾilāha ʾillā allāh, waḥdahu lā sharīka lah
I testify that there is no god except Allah, He is alone, there is no partner with Him.
و أن محمدا عبده و رسوله
wa anna muḥammadan ʿabduhu wa rasuluhu
And indeed I testify that Mohammad is His servant and His Apostle;
لا حبيب إلا هو و أهله
lā ḥabība ʾillā huwa wa ʾahluhu
There is no beloved except him and his progeny.
و أشهدك أن أمير المؤمنين حجته
wa ash-haduka anna amir al-mu'minin hujjatuhu
And I call you as a witness, O my Master certainly Ali, the commander of the believers, is His proof.
و الحسن حجته و الحسين حجته
wa al-ḥasan ḥujjatuhu wa al-ḥusayn ḥujjatuhu
And Hasan is His proof. And Husayn is His proof.
و علي بن الحسين حجته
wa ʿali ibn al-ḥusayn ḥujjatahu
And Ali, son of Husayn is His proof.
و محمد بن علي حجته
wa muḥammad ibn ʿalī ḥujjatuhu
And Muhammad, son of Ali is His proof.
و جعفر بن محمد حجته
wa jaʿfar ibn muḥammad ḥujjatu-hu
And Ja'far, son of Mohammad is His proof.
و موسى بن جعفر حجته
wa mūsá bin jaʿfar ḥujjatah
And Moosa, son of Ja'far is His proof.
و علي بن موسى حجته
wa ʿaliyyun ibnu mūsā ḥujjatuh
And Ali, son of Moosa is His proof.
و محمد بن علي حجته
wa muhammad ibn ʿali ḥujjatuh
And Muhammad, son of Ali is His proof.
و علي بن محمد حجته
wa ʿalī ibn muḥammad ḥujjatahu
And Ali, son of Mohammad is His proof.
و الحسن بن علي حجته
wa al-ḥasanu ibnu ʿalī ḥujjatuhu
And Hasan, son of Ali is His proof.
و أشهد أنك حجة الله
wa ash-hadu annaka hujjatullahi
And I testify that indeed you are the proof of Allah.
أنتم الأول و الآخر
ʾantum al-ʾawwal wa al-ʾākhir.
All of you, the first and the last.
و أن رجعتكم حق لا ريب
wa anna rajaʿatakum haqqan la rayba
And surely your return is a truth, there is no doubt in it.
فيها يوم لا يَنْفَعُ نَفْساً إِيمانُها لَمْ تَكُنْ آمَنَتْ مِنْ قَبْلُ
fīhā yawmun lā yanfaʿu nafsān īmānuhā lam takun ʾāmanat min qablu
The day when belief of none will benefit himself who previously
أَوْ كَسَبَتْ فِي إِيمانِها خَيْراً و أن الموت حق
'aw kasabat fi īmānihā khayran wa anna l-mawt ḥaqّ
did notbelieve or acquired a goodness through his belief. And indeed death is a truth.
و أن ناكرا و نكيرا حق
wa annā nākiran wa nakirā ḥaqq
And indeed Naakir and Nakeer is a truth.
و أشهد أن النشر و البعث حق
wa ʾashhadu annan-nashr wal-baʿth ḥaqq
And I testify that indeed the scattering (stage of Qiyamat) is a truth and the raising is a truth.
و أن الصراط و المرصاد حق
wa anna al-ṣirāṭa wa al-mirṣād ḥaqqa
And indeed the bridge (over hell) is a truth and the watching place is a truth.
و الميزان و الحساب حق
wal-mīzānu wal-ḥisābu ḥaqqun
And the balance is a truth and the gathering is a truth
و الحساب حق و الجنة حق
wa al-ḥisāb ḥaqqun wa al-jannatu ḥaqqun
And the accounting (of deeds) is a truth and the Paradise
و النار حق و الوعد و الوعيد بهما حق
wa al-nār ḥaqq wa al-waʿd wa al-waʾīd bihimā ḥaqq
and the hell is a truth. And the promise (of reward) and the threat (of the punishment) in them is a truth.
يا مولاي شقي من خالفكم و سعد من أطاعكم
yā mawlāy shaqī min khālafakum wa saʿīd min aṭāʿakum
O my Master, one who opposes you is unlucky. And one who obeys you is lucky.
فاشهد على ما أشهدتك عليه
fašhad ʿalā mā ʾašhadtuka ʿalayh
And I am a friend for you, acquitted from your enemy.
و أنا ولي لك بري‏ء من عدوك
wa anā waliyyul-laka barriʾun min ʿaduwwika
Then testify whatever I made you a witness upon it.
فالحق ما رضيتموه و الباطل ما سخطتموه
fa al-haqq ma razi*tum*u-hu wa al-baṭil ma sakhaṭ*tum*u-hu
So the truth is whatever you are satisfied with. And the untrue is whatever you are angry with.
و المعروف ما أمرتم به و المنكر ما نهيتم عنه
wa al-maʿrūf mā ʾamartum bihī wa al-munkar mā nahaytum ʿanhū
And the goodness is whatever you ordered. And the evil is whatever you have prohibited from.
فنفسي مؤمنة بالله وحده لا شريك له
fa nafsi mu'minah bi-llah wahdahu la sharika lahu
So lam abeliever in Allah, He alone, there is no partner with Him.
و برسوله و بأمير المؤمنين و بكم يا مولاي
wa bi rasoolihi wa bi ameeril mumineen wa bikum ya mawlayi
And (I am a believer) in His Apostle and in the commander of the believers. And in you O my Master,
أولكم و آخركم و نصرتي معدة لكم
awwalukum wa ākhirukum wa naṣrī maʿdah lakum
the first among you and the last among you. And my help is intended for you.
و مودتي خالصة لكم آمين آمين .
wa mawdati khalisatu lakum amin amin
And my love is purely for you. Amen! Amen ! (Accept! Accept!)