وَ لِمِثْلِهِمْ فَلْتَذْرِفِ ( فَلْتًدرِ ) الدُّمُوعُ ، وَ لْيَصْرُخِ الصّارِخُونَ ، وَ يَضِجَّ الضّاجُّونَ ، وَ يَعِـجَّ الْعاجُّوَن
wa limithlihim faltadhriʿifid-dumuʿu, wa liyasrukhis-saarikhūn, wa yadhijjadh-dhaajjūn, wa yaaʾij
as they themselves used to do, eyes of sensitive and thoughtful people are full of overflowing tears, their voices choked up with emotion; they cry out to protest against the injustice done, they call up dumb and insensate souls to stir and take notice.