Maʿānī al-ʾAkhbār

Book 1, Chapter 424

The meaning of fear and covet
1 Ḥadīth

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن إسحاق - رضي الله عنه - قال: أخبرنا أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد الهمداني، قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن فضال، عن أبيه قال: قال الرضا عليه السلام في قول الله عز وجل: " هو الذي يريكم البرق خوفا وطمعا " قال: خوفا للمسافر، و طمعا للمقيم.

1. We were told by Muhammed bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: We were informed by Ahmad bin Sa’eed al-Hamdani, that he said: We were told by Ali bin Hasan bin Faddal, from his father, that he said: Al-Rida, peace be upon him, said with regards to the saying of Allah, Exalted and Glorious is He: «He is the One who shows you the lightning, out of fear and covet» (13:12). He said: Out of fear for the traveler, and out of covet for the lodging.