Maʿānī al-ʾAkhbār

Book 1, Chapter 218

The meaning of sharqaa’, kharqaa’, muqabala and mudabara
1 Ḥadīth

حدثنا محمد بن موسى المتوكل قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد، قال: حدثني أبو نصر البغدادي، عن أحمد بن يحيى المقري، عن عبد الله بن موسى، عن إسرائيل، عن أبي إسحاق، عن شريح بن هاني، عن علي عليه السلام قال: أمرنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في الأضاحي أن نستشرف العين والاذن ونهانا عن الخرقاء والشرقاء والمقابلة والمدابرة، الخرقاء أن يكون في الاذن ثقب مستدير، والشرقاء في الغنم المشقوقة الاذن باثنين حتى ينفذ إلى الطرف ، والمقابلة أن يقطع من مقدم أذنها شئ يترك معلقا لا يبين كأنه زنمة ويقال مثل ذلك من الإبل: " المزنم " ويسمى ذلك المعلق " الرعل " والمدابرة أن يفعل ذلك بمؤخر اذن الشاة.

1. We were told by Muhammed bin Musa bin Mutawakkil, that he said: We were told by Muhammed bin Yahya al-‘Attar, from Muhammed bin Ahmad, that he said: I was told by Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, from Ahmad bin Yahya al-Maqri, from Abdullah bin Musa, from Isra’eel, from Abu Ishaq, from Shareeh bin Hani, from Ali, peace be upon him, that he said: We were ordered by the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings be upon him and his Family, with regards to offerngs, that we observe the eye and the ear, and he forbade us from (taking as offering) the kharqaa’, sharqaa’, muqabala and mudabara. The kharqaa’ is the one in whose ear is a round hole. The sharqaa’ among sheep is the one whose ear is cut in two to the extent that it falls to the side. The muqabala is that it is cut from the front of its ear, something that is left to hang in a manner that it is not obvious, like it is a zanma. It is referred to the like of that among camels as muzannam, and that hanging (part) is referred to as ri’l. The mudabara is that this is done to the rear of the sheep’s ear.